Charity number: 1201616
Our Future Projects

TLC has compassion and understanding of the deep commitment it takes to care for a child with special needs, the impact on siblings and the impact on parents’ relationships. We know that caring for a child with special needs can be a hard life and can often affect employment causing poverty. We recognise there are times of grief, sheer exhaustion, lack of sleep, fear of the future, isolation, and discrimination. We understand the lack of support and understanding for each individual parent and each individual child disadvantaged by disability, life-limiting illness, severe and complex learning disability and the impact upon siblings.
Upcoming Projects

Parents Support Group
Parents asked for regular meetings, they came up with the idea for a Monday afternoon group, where we can organise themed sessions to provide advice and support in their areas of concerns or interests. Also for some sessions to offer relaxation and time for the parent to help them to recharge their batteries from their caring responsibility, such as learning yoga, massage, relaxation techniques etc. in essence to receive a little TLC. Meetings will significantly help in improving people’s mental well-being and health.

Holistic Support
Parents have asked that we focus on supporting young people and adults who have severe and complex disabilities and mental health issues who are regularly excluded from fun and recreational activities - as are their immediate siblings and family members. ‘There is nothing holistic for families like us’ we heard many times.

Fully Accessible Learning Resources and Activity Events
Parents asked for learning resources (information/signposting, advice) and inclusive fun such as parties, day trips, day classes in arts, dance, crafts etc. in fully accessible locations led by experienced leaders and trainers.

Support for Siblings
Parents asked for activities and support for siblings who are often excluded from recreational and fun activities and their needs are neglected because the needs of the child with special needs come first; while they often witness traumatising scenes.

Access to a Respite Caravan
Ultimately we wish to provide a respite caravan for families to have short breaks and respite opportunities.